Friday, November 3, 2017

Eight Reasons Why Fishing is Da Bomb Diggity

Last year I lived in a Chinese city with an urban population of nearly 13 million. That's the population of the entire state of Indiana times two. Now I live in a "city" of 120,000. Life has changed a wee bit. One of the countless changes that have taken place is that I'm surrounded by less concrete and a lot more greenery and places to fish. Change can be hard, but I really like this change. Family and close friends know that I enjoy being in the woods and that I'm often seeking out water bodies to cast a line. So what's the big deal about fishing? Below are eight reasons why I think fishing is da bomb diggity.

1. I like the quiet. I'm not a fan of noise and crowds and living overseas for so many years probably made me more introverted.

2. like the pace. Sometimes life feels a little hectic when you have a million responsibilities screaming for your attention so fishing provides a little relaxation.

3. I like the sport. Fishing can require a certain level of skill - what lure to select, where to cast, when to fish, and how to reel are all to be considered.

4. I like the strike. Fishing requires some patience, but when a big fish hits, it's all worth it!

5. I like what I'm learning. I'm constantly learning about new fishing techniques, terms, bait, equipment, locations, species, and more.

6. I like who I meet. Fishing has allowed me to build relationships and surprisingly given me opportunities to have deep conversations about tough topics.

7. I like creating memories. I love watching my brother pull in a big fat channel catfish or when Josiah Lee gets excited when he catches a tiny green sunfish.

8. I like the time to pray and reflect. Sometimes when I fish I'll take a break and read Scripture, and I frequently pray and think about this amazing life we live.

Fishing isn't really a big deal, but it is definitely a blessing that I thank God for. If you've never been fishing or your pole has been collecting dust, unplug and find some water. I'm sure it can be a blessing to you as well.

So God created the great sea creatures and every living creature that moves, with which the waters swarm, according to their kinds, Genesis 1:21a

This evening I caught this largemouth bass on a Strike King gizzard shad crankbait.

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