Tuesday, December 29, 2015

Reviewing Jerry Bridges' Who Am I? Identity in Christ

Who Am I? Identity in Christ is the third book I've read by Jerry Bridges. Other books I've read by this Navigators staff member include Respectable Sins: Confronting the Sins We Tolerate and The Pursuit of Holiness. All three books I highly recommend. Who Am I? is roughly 100 pages and consists of an introduction and eight chapters. The chapter titles are:

1. I Am a Creature
2. I Am in Christ
3. I Am Justified
4. I Am an Adopted Son of God
5. I Am a New Creation
6. I Am a Saint
7. I Am a Servant of Jesus Christ
8. I Am Not Yet Perfect

Throughout his book, Jerry Bridges soundly answers the crucial question, Who Am I?,  by using Scripture and stories from his own life. Chapter 1 focuses on what it means to be created in the Father's image. In Chapter 2 we get an explanation of what it means to be in Christ, and in the last six chapters, we learn about six aspects of our new identity in Christ.

New believers might be introduced to some theological terms they're unfamiliar with; however, the explanations are easy to understand. Mature believers will get a gospel-centered review of what it means to identify as a believer first and foremost. We are reminded that our identity should not lie in our job, the school we graduated from, or who our friends are, but in Christ alone. Endorsements are given by conservative evangelical theologians like J.I. Packer, R.C. Sproul, and yours truly. I suggest setting aside 2.5 hours and checking out the book. Just try not to stare at the creepy dude on the cover.

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