Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Feces Infographic

This morning a friend e-mailed me this nifty fact sheet. I never knew how amazing caterpillars, rabbits, and elephants are. I had three cups of coffee today, but none of which was civet coffee. However, I bought a bag of civet coffee beans on a trip to Vietnam a few years ago. Good stuff.


  1. Okay, so that's a little gross, but love the graphic!

    And, actually, compared to some of your sixth-grade-poop humor, this post is rather tastefully done!


  2. You're right, I actually learned a lot. My favorite fact? 26 feet, baby! What I want to know, is what does the "help of a high fiber diet" look like? Was the dude (and this had to be a dude, right?) munching on cardboard? Packing peanuts?


  3. I don't know, I think I could get in on this competition! (This is a competition, right?)

