Friday, July 26, 2019

Happy Birthday to my Mother-In-Law

Today is my mother-in-law's birthday. I first met Carol in 1997 when I was a 23-year-old teacher at Frankfort Middle School, home of the Hot Dogs. I was teaching Western Hemisphere geography to sixth graders, and she taught choir. We didn't talk to each other much, but a few years later Carol told me about her daughter who taught in China.

Not too long after that conversation, Fred and Carol thought it would be a good idea for Megan and me to meet. How does one thank a woman who raises a child who later becomes my wife and the one who draws me closer to Christ than anyone? Obviously, I will never be able to thank Carol enough for what she has done for me. Thankfully, there is One who will reward her for the work she has done.

I think the whole world should meet Carol and know at least a few ways she has blessed me.

1. Carol is a servant. I don't know anyone who outserves her. She serves her husband, her children, and her grandchildren. She is constantly denying herself and investing in her family in order to show Christlike love and bring God glory. I don't know how to say this nicely, but you have to be an absolute bonehead not to see that she is an ambassador for Christ.

2. Carol is an encourager. I really have a mediocre voice, but she has told me a few times that I can sing. If others have been critical of me, she listens and wants to come to my defense. If you've ever seen me coach, intense might be a good description. If Carol was your coach, she would be smiling all of the time and you would feel good about what you're accomplishing. She is definitely a glass half full kind of person.

3. Carol is gracious. When people mess up, instead of complaining and calling them out, she shows them kindness, love, and mercy. She's not just like this in public, she's like this at home. She's the real deal. My kiddos see me sin, and I have to ask for their forgiveness from time to time. Carol doesn't display this kind of impatience and anger. I know Carol is a sinner like me, but she definitely has some Holy Ghost power working in her!

4. Carol is faithful. Like Fred, she is faithful to her family, friends, and fellowship. If you don't believe me, ask around. Others will definitely say the same thing. She is a Godly woman who more than contributes to the family, is a loyal friend, and has been actively involved in a local body of believers for decades. She is faithful and proves our faith is real.

Happy Birthday, Carol. I'm deeply honored to be your son-in-law, and I look forward to celebrating with you soon!

Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly, teaching and admonishing one another in all wisdom, singing psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, with thankfulness in your hearts to God. And whatever you do, in word or deed, do everything in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him. Colossians 3:16-17


  1. You put my on a high pedestal, Mark! And I think Cody would take exception to my not displaying impatience and anger! But God is gracious! What would we do without His love and mercy?! Love you, sweet son-in-law!

  2. Well said....Carol is one of a kind!!!

  3. This was so beautiful. Carol is so BEAUTIFUL!! Happy birthday, wonderful Carol! ❤️🎉
