Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Reviewing Carol Heyer's The First Easter

This is one of the Easter books we currently have out for our girls to read. There are many positives about the book, but I do have some criticisms. As far as the favorable aspects of the book are concerned...

1. It begins with the Christmas story.
2. The artwork is excellent.
3. Children of different colors are seen coming to Jesus.
4. Jesus does not look like a white American.
5. Jesus is shown getting righteously angry.
6. Many Holy Week events are part of The First Easter - Palm Sunday, the temple clearing, temple controversies, the Last Supper, the Gethsemane prayer, the second Roman trial before Pilate, the crucifixion, empty-tomb witnesses, and the resurrection appearance to Mary Magdalene.
7. Important words like Magi, prophets, sin, Passover, disciples, priests and temple elders, blood, will, crucified, and tomb are part of the story.
8. Important places and people like Bethlehem, Jerusalem, Golgotha, Garden of Gethsemane, Golgatha, Caiaphas, Pilate, and Mary Magdalene are mentioned.

These are some of the negatives I found with the book...

1. Jesus looks a little feminine in the picture showing children running to Him.
2. There are no Scripture references, and the Scripture is paraphrased.
3. There is no blood shown when Jesus is wearing the crown of thorns.
4. Jesus is not shown on the cross, and three crosses are not next to one another.
5. Jesus' wounds are in the hands when many scholars would say his wrists were actually pierced.

Despite my criticisms, it is a nice book for young children. I would simply supplement the book with a Bible and discussion.

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