Tuesday, July 26, 2022

Happy Birthday, Carol!

It has been over 1.5 years since I wrote a blog post here, but I thought today was a most excellent day to write something that others should know about - it's my mother-in-law's birthday! It's hard to believe that I met Carol 25 years ago when I started teaching geography at Frankfort Middle School (FMS), home of the Hot Dogs. Carol taught choir at FMS and Fred, my father-in-law, taught math there. Megan and her sister Mindy graduated from Frankfort High School in the early 90s. Yes, we were all once Hot Dogs. :-)

Carol used to supervise a study hall in my 6th-grade classroom, and I can remember her pointing to the massive world map and telling me how her daughter taught in China. I thought that was interesting, but I never in my wildest dreams thought that only a few years later, I would also be teaching in the Middle Kingdom and that Fred and Carol would visit me as my in-laws. God is AMAZING!

Carol has been a huge blessing to me and our family over the years, and I wish everyone could meet her. Below are just a few ways Carol displays Christ and gives God the glory. If you know Carol, I'm sure you will wholeheartedly agree with me!

1. Carol understands long-suffering. That sentence should be in ALL CAPS. God has chosen Carol to live a life that clearly shows others that she follows the Suffering Servant, Jesus Christ. She is strong in character, wise in her decisions, and patiently persevering despite what her circumstances may be. Carol focuses on the cross and lives a gospel-centered life. 

2. Carol possesses self-control. Sometimes people are mean, foolish, or even worse, both (never me, of course). Regardless of how people might treat Carol, Carol is the definition of calm, cool, and collected. She is one of those people that you wonder when she sins. While I want to smash people like raisins for the most minute things, Carol doesn't get overly emotional and irrational when the going gets tough.  

3. Carol is loyal. This is an understatement. Carol is loyal to her church, husband, family, and friends. She's an extremely hard worker who puts others before herself. We never have to be concerned that Carol won't help her loved ones, despite the situation and even when most wouldn't. She is clearly dedicated to loving God and loving others. 

4. Carol is often joyful. While I have to tell my face to smile on occasion, it's an uncommon sight to not see Carol smiling. She is super positive about life, and it shows. Carol smiles when she meets people, when she is watching something entertaining, and she definitely smiles big when she sings. I need some Carol to rub off on me!

Carol - We are looking forward to seeing you soon and celebrating your birthday! God is good!

For you formed my inwards parts; you knitted me together in my mother's womb. I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Wonderful are your works; my soul knows it very well. Psalm 139:13-14

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