Thursday, March 6, 2025

Don't Just Talk the Talk...Walk the Walk!

For about half my life, I was a pretty good hypocrite, a whitewashed tomb, acting one way in front of others and sometimes living differently behind closed doors. I wanted people to like me and think I was good, but I didn't love God with all my heart, soul, mind, and strength. My heart was often consumed with worldly pleasures and instead of worshiping Christ as Lord, He was simply my ticket to Heaven. Sure, I participated in some upstanding Christian activities, but I cared more about my bank account and coaching success than I did growing in the Lord. I wish someone had discipled me during my adolescent and young adult years. I made countless mistakes, and I'm thankful God didn't quit on me. We certainly serve a merciful and gracious God who is mighty to save!

I keep making dumb mistakes, but reading and studying God's Word regularly has helped me tremendously in my various roles, such as husband, father, and friend. I don't have a specific place or time I always read my Bible, but I've kept a reading plan since around the late 1990s. God's Word is the sword of the Spirit (Ephesians 6:17) and helps us fight complaining, laziness, pride, and other "respectable" sins that we think aren't a big deal. We should hide God's Word in my heart so we might not sin against Him (Psalm 119:11). James tells us we simply can't be hearers of the Word - we must do it (James 1:22)! And if we aren't in God's Word, how do we know how to do God's Word? How do we know if we're walking in a manner worthy of the Lord? The world tells you to follow your heart, but that is unbiblical (Jeremiah 17:9). If I followed my heart every time someone made a bonehead move on the road, there would probably be multiple YouTube videos of Wickamania runnin' wild with rage! 

This year at Evansville Christian School, we've been focused on the Book of James at our chapels. Have you read these five chapters written by Jesus' half-brother? Doing so only takes 15-17 minutes, and it will encourage you to live out your faith through good works. The 108 verses were written around 45 AD, probably making James the oldest of the New Testament books. It consists of over 50 commands that provide a clear guide to a godly life. Think of it as the "Proverbs of the New Testament." Much of the Bible can be difficult to comprehend, but the Book of James is an easier read and super practical. Whether you're a new believer or have been a Christian for decades, the Book of James can help all of us to live as faithful followers of Christ. Check out the verses below and have them on repeat in your head!

  • ...Be quick to hear, slow to speak, slow to anger (James 1:19)
  • ...Show no partiality... (James 2:1)
  • Do not speak evil against one another... (James 4:11)
  • ...Confess your sins to one another and pray for one another...(James 5:16)
Imagine if the whole world obeyed these commands. Wow. We would be living on a radically different planet if that were the case. If you're a Christian, you have the Holy Spirit to enable you to walk the walk, and not just talk the talk. Let's do that. Let's be in God's Word, do God's Word, and bring God the glory!

But be doers of the word, and not hearers only, deceiving yourselves. James 1:22

Wednesday, February 5, 2025

Building Resilient Families

PARENTING CAN BE HARD STUFF! Can I get an amen? Even if you have "good" kids, parenting is sometimes tough. BY GOD'S GRACE, our three kiddos have done okay. I would love to tell you I've always been a perfect father who was never impatient, selfish, or easily angered. I would love to tell you that I've always been thankful for my children and pointed them to Christ. No, that would be a BIG FAT LIE. I have been downright lazy and childish at times. I've been emotionally out of control and a monster at times. I'm thankful a camera hasn't been on me 24/7 so the whole world could watch the sins I committed against my kids. I'm thankful God's mercies are new every morning (Lamentations 3:22-23) and that He doesn't quit on those who love Him and are called according to His purpose (Romans 8:28). I'm thankful for the Spirit's work making us who trust in Christ more and more holy. Can I get an amen?

Being a good parent is of the utmost importance to me. It should be of the utmost importance for anyone who has kids. Unfortunately, lots of parents are struggling. There's hope though - His name is Christ. Any fruit Megan and I have seen in our children is God's blessing on us. I'm thankful for the godly people God has put in our lives who have shown us how to parent our children well. God has also provided us amazing resources that have helped us know how to raise our children in godly ways. Something that has blessed my family tremendously for a decade is RightNow Media. RightNow Media gives us access to 25,000+ Bible-based videos enabling us to grow in our faith and disciple our children. Of course, I don't always agree with all the content I hear; however, SO MUCH is helpful.

Starting next Thursday, February 13th, I will facilitate our second annual Resilient Families study for anyone who wants to raise children to live God-honoring lives. This six-week study will be from 8 to 9:30 AM at Epworth Community Church in Newburgh, Indiana, and you can sign up here. Regardless of where you are in your faith, whether you are struggling or doing alright, YOU are invited to join us for a time of ENCOURAGING FELLOWSHIP. This will be a time to pray, talk, laugh, cry, and watch Natasha Crain's video series on RightNow Media, Talking with Your Kids about Jesus. There is NO COST, and you can walk away with the tools needed to help explain who Jesus is, why He matters, and how kids can be radically transformed by Him. 

If you can't attend the study I'm facilitating on Thursday mornings, check out one of the five other Resilient Families studies happening in Henderson, Evansville, and Newburgh on Wednesday evenings. 

Raising children can be a challenging task, and there is no need to do it alone. Join one of the Resilient Families studies and grow in your faith with others who see the importance of sharing Christ with young people. To God be the glory!

You shall love the LORD your God with all your heart and all your soul and with all your might. And these words that I command you today shall be on your heart. You shall teach them diligently to your children, and shall talk of them when you sit in your house, and when you walk by the way, and when you lie down, and when you rise. Deuteronomy 6:5-7

Friday, December 20, 2024

Get in the Word and Don't Stop!

I was gifted with a New King James Study Bible when I was baptized in 1996 at a small Southern Baptist church in Central Indiana. It wasn't until early 2001 when I was 27 years old that I read through that entire Bible. It was the toughest year of my life, so I committed to reading and studying my Bible regularly in a new way. The next year I moved to South Korea to serve with a Christian organization, and my future mother-in-law gave me a New American Standard Bible. It became my go-to translation for six years until the ESV Study Bible was published in 2008. 

I used to write all 66 books and chapters of the Bible on paper and mark off the chapters when I completed them. I now do it on my Mac and highlight the chapters I've read. Keeping track of what I'm reading has helped ensure I don't neglect any part of God's Word. I have struggled through parts of Old Testament history and prophecy and often forget what I've read, but God's Word has been a lamp to my feet and a light to my path (Psalm 119:105). 

Megan and I expected our three children to be in God's Word seven days a week. They didn't always accomplish the goal which would result in a healthy talk from yours truly. Grace Noel completed her first reading of the Bible in elementary school, and Rosalie did it as a middle schooler. Josiah Lee, our 7th grader, has completed the New Testament and is now reading the Psalms. Are there parts of the Bible that went over their heads? Absolutely. Welcome to the club. We still wanted them to read every word of the Bible and ask us questions when things got confusing. Seeing my kiddos reading and studying their Bibles has helped me walk more closely with Jesus.

If little kids can read the entire Bible, there is no reason YOU can't do this. We spend so much time on social media, attending sporting events, and watching movies and TV shows. Yet it only takes ten to twenty minutes for the average reader to complete three chapters in their Bible. There are 1189 chapters in the Bible and reading 3.25 chapters a day is all it takes to have it done in a year. If you don't like reading, then listen to the Bible. This can be done as you enJOY breakfast, complete a household task, drive to work, or before you go to bed. Consistently feeding on God's can help us progress toward holiness. It can help us resist accepted sins like complaining about our jobs, showing impatience with our children, and being anxious about our finances. It forms us. 

Consider downloading one of the Bible reading plans here and grow in your relationship with God. Figure out a Bible reading rhythm and let God speak to you in new and exciting ways!

All Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness, that the man of God may be complete, equipped for every good work. 2 Timothy 3:16-17

Monday, December 2, 2024

Debunking Eight Common Christmas Misconceptions!

Millions enJOY Christmas, but how well do most people know the true Christmas story? If you watch The Nativity Story, The Star, or Christmas With the Chosen: Messengers, can you tell fact from fiction? What is misrepresented in these family-friendly films that should be discussed with your family and friends? Below are some common Christmas misconceptions that might surprise you. If that's the case, let's talk! Most importantly, let's dig into God's Word so we know the true message of Christmas and that Christ is the reason for the season and life. To God be the glory!

1. Writing Merry Xmas is NOT disrespectful. The X has a long history of symbolizing the name of Christ. It involves the first letter of the Greek name for Christ. Christos is the New Testament Greek for Christ, and the first letter of the Greek word Christos is transliterated into our alphabet as an X. 

2. The Bible does NOT say Mary rode into Bethlehem on a donkey on their 65 to 80-mile trek from Nazareth to Bethlehem. Perhaps this was the case, but it's highly possible that Mary rode in a cart or walked for about a week or so.

3. Luke 2:7 says there was no room at the inn for Joseph and Mary. This sounds as if Jesus' parents went to a hotel, but they might have been hoping to stay in a relative's guest room. The Greek word for inn, kataluma, could mean a room on the upper level of a home. 

4. Luke 2:7 also says Jesus was laid in a manger. Since Jesus' parents might have gone to a crowded home for the census, Jesus might have been born on the lower level of a family member's home where animals stayed at night, NOT in a separate barn or stable.

5. Jesus was NOT born on December 25th, 0 A.D. We don't know the exact day Jesus was born, and most Bible scholars say He was born around 6 to 4 B.C. Knowing when Jesus was born isn't a big deal, but knowing Jesus came and who He is is of eternal significance!

6. Maybe more than three wise men (Magi) visited Jesus. Although tradition says three wise men visited Jesus and the Bible says Jesus was given three gifts, the Bible does NOT say there were only three wise men from the East (likely the Middle East).

7. Many nativity scenes have a star over the manger. That's nice, but the star was given to the Magi, not to the shepherds watching the flocks when the angels announced Jesus' birth. Matthew tells us a star led the Magi to Jerusalem and then to Bethlehem (days, months, or even years after Jesus' birth).

8. Joy to the World is technically NOT a Christmas song. This is a song about Christ's second coming, not His first. If you want to keep singing Joy to the World during Christmas, wonderful! In fact, sing it during the Christmas season and every season of the year!

What did you already know? What surprised you? Drop a comment to share!

She will bear a son, and you shall call his name Jesus, for he will save his people from their sins. Matthew 1:21

Sunday, November 3, 2024

Give Complaints In All Circumstances

This blog post title might seem a little odd, but check out the comments section of any social media post and you’re likely to find lots of complaining. People frequently head to the comments of social media to be entertained because we know the comments might consist of ruthless complaining. We not only fail to remember that complaining is a sin (Philippians 2:14), but we often don’t care. How are the words of your mouth and the meditation of your heart (Psalm 19:14)? Are you good at complaining or are you known as someone giving thanks in all circumstances (1 Thessalonians 5:18)? Thanksgiving is around the corner, and there is so much to be thankful for, yes/no? Consider some of these things we should be thanking God for all the time:

1. We live in a nation that allows us to vote for our leaders. We may not always like the candidates, but we could live in a country where everything is picked for us.

2. We live in a nation with a strong military. While I look forward to the day when armed forces won’t be needed, I’m thankful for our troops.

3. We live in a nation with thousands of academic programs and world-class institutions. Our schools are far from perfect but hundreds of millions of primary and secondary school-age children in developing countries don’t even attend school.

4. We live in a nation with clinics and hospitals around every corner. We may not always like the medical bills we receive, but thank God many amazing resources are available in our communities. 

5. We live in a nation where we can gather with others and worship the risen Christ. Being a Christian certainly looks different in 2024, but it still isn’t dangerous to be a Christian in America.

Instead of constantly complaining like the culture around us, how can we be different and cultivate an attitude of thankfulness? Consider some practices I mention here.

Let’s be thankful not just when it’s Thanksgiving or when life is smooth. Let’s be different and give thanks in ALL circumstances.

Enter His gates with thanksgiving, and His courts with praise! Give thanks to Him; bless His name! Psalm 100:4

Monday, October 7, 2024

Resilient Families: Faith Through Formation

We are just weeks away from the 2nd annual Resilient Families luncheon hosted by Comfort! This will happen on Friday, October 25th, and dozens of church and ministry leaders from the tri-state area will gather to hear from key people from the Welborn Baptist Foundation, Diehl Consulting, Evansville Christian School, and local church partners. We will pray and process this year's fall and spring Resilient Families studies and the presentations that will take place in February. We ask that YOU also pray about the studies and presentations. 

What is Resilient Families? Resilient Families helps equip young people in this confusing culture to be confident in their Christian walk. We want to assist YOU, the parents and guardians, with Christ-centered resources and tools to help your children grow in their faith. From late October until early December, movers and shakers from our community will participate in a 6-week Resilient Families study. This study will be offered to families from February to March or April. Make sure you stay tuned for details in the coming weeks and months.

I'm excited to announce that on Friday, February 7th, national speaker, author, blogger, podcaster, wife, and mother to three children, Natasha Crain, will give three presentations! Who is Natasha Crain? Be sure to check out her books on Amazon. You'll quickly realize her books are quite popular, and three of them were written specifically for parents. Natasha will give three presentations for 6th-12th grade ECS students, ECS faculty and staff as well as area leaders, and for the general public at the Old National Events Plaza. If YOU are a parent or work with young people, don't miss the second-semester studies and presentations, all of which are FREE.

Natasha has a new book being released on February 4th, and her newest book, Faithfully Different, Regaining Biblical Clarity in a Secular Culture, is one that I've listened to and recommend. Natasha is passionate about helping Christians think more clearly about holding to a biblical worldview in an increasingly secular culture and has been interviewed by Sean McDowell, Kirk Cameron, Focus on the Family, The Colson Center, Stand to Reason, and more. If you're interested in diving deeper into her content, Natasha hosts a podcast, The Natasha Crain Podcast, and co-hosts the weekly Unshaken Faith Podcast with Alisa Childers.

If you have questions or want to learn more about Resilient Families, email me, call the school, or contact me on social media. I would be more than happy to talk about good parenting and our good God. To God be the glory!  

You shall love the LORD your God with all your heart and all your soul and with all your might. And these words that I command you today shall be on your heart. You shall teach them diligently to your children, and shall talk of them when you sit in your house, and when you walk by the way, and when you lie down, and when you rise. Deuteronomy 6:5-7

Sunday, August 25, 2024

How Resilient Are You?

How do you respond to your children when they don't complete their chores or homework? How do you respond to a co-worker who disagrees with you and disrespects you? Do these situations stress you out, tick you off, get you down in the dumps, or make you feel like you got hit by a Mack Truck? How you handle new and problematic situations shows your resilience level, and people with greater emotional intelligence show greater resilience. If you struggle to be resilient, express your emotions maturely, and handle interpersonal relationships wisely and with love, don't fret! Resilience is something we can grow in.

I like how the Cambridge Dictionary defines resilience. Resilience is "the ability to be happy, successful, etc. again after something difficult or bad has happened." A resilient person adapts well to adversity and can bounce back from difficult situations. He or she has strong coping skills, knows how to use the available resources, and isn't afraid to ask for help. Resilient people persist, persevere, and don't yield to pressure. 

We should all want to be resilient and help others be resilient. We should work heartily for the Lord (Colossians 3:23), listen to constructive criticism (Proverbs 15:31), and give thanks in all circumstances (1 Thessalonians 5:18). Because we live in a sinful world, we certainly know this will be difficult. Sometimes we'll have to battle laziness, complaining, and being overly sensitive or defensive. This fight might come from within or we might experience it with a family member, neighbor, or colleague. 

How are you doing in the area of resilience? Are you showing yourself to be resilient? Do you adapt to situations and press on when your circumstances are less than ideal? If we struggle with the smaller things in life, how will we respond when life gets super stressful and hits us with a massive storm?

The hardships that many Christians face around the world are horrendous. According to Open Doors, a non-denominational mission supporting persecuted Christians around the world, more than 365 million Christians suffer high levels of persecution and discrimination for their faith. More than 4,000 Christians were detained last year, and 5,000 Christians were killed for faith-related reasons. 15,000 churches and Christian properties were attacked. If our persecuted brothers and sisters living in Africa and Asia can be resilient, through Christ, so can we.

If there is anyone who should be resilient, it should be us. We aren't little kids trying to figure out life. The overwhelming majority of Americans have an abundance of resources available at their fingertips, and if you're a Christian, the all-powerful Holy Spirit resides in you (Romans 8:9). Christians have the sword of the Spirit (Ephesians 6:17), God's Word, hidden in our hearts so that we might not sin against our Creator (Psalm 119:11). We have the Body of Christ to encourage one another and build each other up (1 Thessalonians 5:11). 

Faith in the Lord is the key to Job-like, Paul-like, and CHRIST-like resilience. We must get our eyes off our circumstances and look to the cross at home, work, and during tough times. Let's hold fast to Proverbs 3:5-6 and point others to Christ daily. Let's trust the Lord with all our hearts and lean not on our own understanding. In all our ways, let's acknowledge God and He will direct our paths. Godly resilience will help us pass God's tests, big and small, empower our children to embrace a biblical worldview, and bring God all the glory!

For the sake of Christ, then, I am content with weaknesses, insults, hardships, persecutions, and calamities. For when I am weak, then I am strong. 2 Corinthians 12:10

Monday, July 22, 2024

Ten Back to School Tips For Families

You may not like to hear this, but the start of school is almost here. Woo! For some of your kids, this might bring a sense of excitement, but for others, this might cause a little anxiety. No matter what your child feels, I assure you that an amazing first day and first week of school can be accomplished! I have been a teacher for nearly two decades and a principal for one decade. Two of my kiddos graduated from ECHS, and we have a 7th grader bringing up the rear. I know a little about first-day jitters and have ten tips to help your child start on the right foot and have a successful school year. Doing these things may not get them on the honor roll or a starting spot on the basketball team, but they can make school a bit smoother so your child can better embrace a biblical worldview. Consider discussing the list below with your child and let me know if there is anything else I can do to help. 

1. Eat breakfast. Breakfast helps replenish the blood sugar your child's brain needs to function at its best. On top of that, no one wants a hangry kid at school!

2. Ask questions. Asking questions leads to solving problems, building relationships, and gaining knowledge. Smart people ask questions. 

3. Constantly pray. Don't just pray before a meal or bedtime; make it a lifestyle. It's easy to get stressed out and complain. Spend that time in God's word and pray instead.

4. Get your sleep. We should work heartily for the Lord, but working 24/7 isn't an option. Getting your rest will help you be better focused and think more clearly.

5. Label your stuff. Consider putting your name on your water bottle, lunchbox, and other items you want to keep. Your new jacket is much more likely to be returned to you if your name is on it.

6. Try something new. We provide numerous activities for you to know what you're gifted in. Join that club or sport, participate in a service project or trip, or run for office. Just do it.

7. Be kind and polite. You don't need to be a Christian to know that being an arrogant jerk isn't cool. Smiling, helping others, and showing appreciation can go a long way.

8. Maximize your class time. Why bring work home when you have teachers at school who can help you with it? Take advantage of the time and resources God has given you at ECS.

9. Set out your clothes and pack your backpack the night before school. Mornings can be chaotic so minimize the chaos by planning ahead. You might need every minute before the morning rush!

10. Share with your family what you're learning and what homework you have. Although I can help my kiddos with their schoolwork, sometimes they teach me a thing or two. God wants us to use our brains to draw each other towards Christ.

Train up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old he will not depart from it. Proverbs 22:6

Thursday, June 27, 2024

EnJOYing Freedom in Christ

Fourth of July is just around the corner, and countless red-blooded Americans will celebrate our Declaration of Independence from Great Britain. From San Francisco to New York, we'll have pitch-ins, parades, and pyrotechnic displays of grand proportions. Although I'm not a huge fan of all the noise, crowds, and fireworks debris, I enjoy the food and fellowship. Our country is far from perfect and the political polarization in America is at an all-time high; however, there is still so much God has blessed us with. As the son of a Navy veteran who exposed me to unique and diverse cultures, I was always taught to be thankful we are Americans. Consider these facts:

1. We don't face the armed conflicts that numerous African and Middle Eastern nations do on an everyday basis.

2. Travel advisory levels in America pale in comparison to much of the world. 

3. Sharing your faith in North Korea, Kyrgyzstan, and numerous other countries is illegal, but we can assemble freely at church on Sundays. 

4. Although too many of us are overly critical of our government and can be complete jerks, I'm thankful we can share all our views, unlike many nations worldwide. Government criticism in many nations can get you locked up or even killed.   

5. Despite our rising cost of living, we are still the go-to place for hardworking people looking to escape poverty. Few countries have our kind of wealth.

While I am grateful to live in a rich and relatively peaceful country with the freedom of religion, speech, press, assembly, and petition, having freedom in Christ is far greater. 

Freedom in Christ means freedom from the penalty, power, and presence of sin. I don't have to put my head down in shame for my past sins. Because of Christ, I'm a new creation sinning less and becoming more like Him. I can put my head up praising my Father for helping me fight sin through His Spirit. And when it's all said and done, because of Christ, I will be in a beautiful, perfect, and sinless Heaven.

Freedom in Christ is freedom from the Old Covenant law and people-pleasing. Christianity isn't a set of dos and don'ts where you try to win the favor of your fellow men. When you truly know God, you have a relationship with Him and follow Him in faith alone based on Christ alone. You have an audience of One and desire to bring God all the glory alone. That's what freedom in Christ does. 

Freedom in Christ is the freedom to enJOY God with fellow believers and glorify Him forever. Life is not meant to be lived alone. When you come to know Christ, you join a family of believers who you do life with. Life can be hard, but through Christ, we can have peace and joy regardless of the circumstances. Christian freedom is about enJOYing God now and forever with others.

Do you have this freedom in Christ? Do others clearly see that? This Fourth of July, let's not just remember the courage and faith our founding fathers had in their pursuit of liberty, let's remember what our Heavenly Father gave us and the sacrifice of His one and only Son. Let's enJOY freedom in Christ.

There is therefore now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus. For the law of the Spirit of life has set you free in Christ Jesus from the law of sin and death. Romans 8:1-2


Friday, May 17, 2024

Don't Take A Summer Break From Jesus!

Some of you might like cool autumn nights, sledding in the winter, or seeing flowers bloom in the spring, but summer is by far my favorite season. I'm a huge fan of the warmer weather, love that we have more family fun time, and I wholeheartedly welcome the change of work pace. During the summer, our kiddos participate in sports or art camps, we might travel somewhere fun, and I have more time to complete house projects and attend to other matters that need to be tackled. Although I'm looking forward to the different temperatures and weather conditions we might have in Heaven, I would be a happy man if Evansville had summer weather year-round! 

Something we need to be careful about during the summer is getting sloppy with our time with Jesus. Most kids don't have daily Bible classes or monthly chapels or participate in regular biblically integrated lessons in the summer. If you're like the Wickershams, you might wake up a little later and have summer days that may often look different each day. We must ensure that we are all in the Word daily and that we have intentional conversations with our children about what they're experiencing and what God is teaching them. I also recommend having regular family devotions at dinnertime or before everyone goes to bed. Attending Vacation Bible School at a neighborhood church, serving at a local ministry such as the Evansville Rescue Mission, and signing up for Christian camps are other ways we can help children grow in God's grace and knowledge this summer.

All of this takes some planning, energy, and time, but it is SO WORTH IT. We're talking about helping our children understand who they are and how they are to live this life in a God-glorifying way. We have a responsibility and privilege to draw our children to Christ and show them how to be like Christ. What an amazing gift! It's unbelievable that God uses us to speak truth in love to our kids. 

So, how will you disciple your children this summer? What opportunities will you give your children to encounter our living savior, Jesus Christ? God has given us a super special job, and I don't mean to be a downer, but our parenting days will be gone before you know it. Our lives are like a mist, and no day is guaranteed (James 4:14). Let's make the most of each day and enJOY the summer break, but don't take a summer break from Jesus!

to the only wise God be glory forevermore through Jesus Christ! Amen. Romans 16:27