Thursday, March 6, 2025

Don't Just Talk the Talk...Walk the Walk!

For about half my life, I was a pretty good hypocrite, a whitewashed tomb, acting one way in front of others and sometimes living differently behind closed doors. I wanted people to like me and think I was good, but I didn't love God with all my heart, soul, mind, and strength. My heart was often consumed with worldly pleasures and instead of worshiping Christ as Lord, He was simply my ticket to Heaven. Sure, I participated in some upstanding Christian activities, but I cared more about my bank account and coaching success than I did growing in the Lord. I wish someone had discipled me during my adolescent and young adult years. I made countless mistakes, and I'm thankful God didn't quit on me. We certainly serve a merciful and gracious God who is mighty to save!

I keep making dumb mistakes, but reading and studying God's Word regularly has helped me tremendously in my various roles, such as husband, father, and friend. I don't have a specific place or time I always read my Bible, but I've kept a reading plan since around the late 1990s. God's Word is the sword of the Spirit (Ephesians 6:17) and helps us fight complaining, laziness, pride, and other "respectable" sins that we think aren't a big deal. We should hide God's Word in my heart so we might not sin against Him (Psalm 119:11). James tells us we simply can't be hearers of the Word - we must do it (James 1:22)! And if we aren't in God's Word, how do we know how to do God's Word? How do we know if we're walking in a manner worthy of the Lord? The world tells you to follow your heart, but that is unbiblical (Jeremiah 17:9). If I followed my heart every time someone made a bonehead move on the road, there would probably be multiple YouTube videos of Wickamania runnin' wild with rage! 

This year at Evansville Christian School, we've been focused on the Book of James at our chapels. Have you read these five chapters written by Jesus' half-brother? Doing so only takes 15-17 minutes, and it will encourage you to live out your faith through good works. The 108 verses were written around 45 AD, probably making James the oldest of the New Testament books. It consists of over 50 commands that provide a clear guide to a godly life. Think of it as the "Proverbs of the New Testament." Much of the Bible can be difficult to comprehend, but the Book of James is an easier read and super practical. Whether you're a new believer or have been a Christian for decades, the Book of James can help all of us to live as faithful followers of Christ. Check out the verses below and have them on repeat in your head!

  • ...Be quick to hear, slow to speak, slow to anger (James 1:19)
  • ...Show no partiality... (James 2:1)
  • Do not speak evil against one another... (James 4:11)
  • ...Confess your sins to one another and pray for one another...(James 5:16)
Imagine if the whole world obeyed these commands. Wow. We would be living on a radically different planet if that were the case. If you're a Christian, you have the Holy Spirit to enable you to walk the walk, and not just talk the talk. Let's do that. Let's be in God's Word, do God's Word, and bring God the glory!

But be doers of the word, and not hearers only, deceiving yourselves. James 1:22

Wednesday, February 5, 2025

Building Resilient Families

PARENTING CAN BE HARD STUFF! Can I get an amen? Even if you have "good" kids, parenting is sometimes tough. BY GOD'S GRACE, our three kiddos have done okay. I would love to tell you I've always been a perfect father who was never impatient, selfish, or easily angered. I would love to tell you that I've always been thankful for my children and pointed them to Christ. No, that would be a BIG FAT LIE. I have been downright lazy and childish at times. I've been emotionally out of control and a monster at times. I'm thankful a camera hasn't been on me 24/7 so the whole world could watch the sins I committed against my kids. I'm thankful God's mercies are new every morning (Lamentations 3:22-23) and that He doesn't quit on those who love Him and are called according to His purpose (Romans 8:28). I'm thankful for the Spirit's work making us who trust in Christ more and more holy. Can I get an amen?

Being a good parent is of the utmost importance to me. It should be of the utmost importance for anyone who has kids. Unfortunately, lots of parents are struggling. There's hope though - His name is Christ. Any fruit Megan and I have seen in our children is God's blessing on us. I'm thankful for the godly people God has put in our lives who have shown us how to parent our children well. God has also provided us amazing resources that have helped us know how to raise our children in godly ways. Something that has blessed my family tremendously for a decade is RightNow Media. RightNow Media gives us access to 25,000+ Bible-based videos enabling us to grow in our faith and disciple our children. Of course, I don't always agree with all the content I hear; however, SO MUCH is helpful.

Starting next Thursday, February 13th, I will facilitate our second annual Resilient Families study for anyone who wants to raise children to live God-honoring lives. This six-week study will be from 8 to 9:30 AM at Epworth Community Church in Newburgh, Indiana, and you can sign up here. Regardless of where you are in your faith, whether you are struggling or doing alright, YOU are invited to join us for a time of ENCOURAGING FELLOWSHIP. This will be a time to pray, talk, laugh, cry, and watch Natasha Crain's video series on RightNow Media, Talking with Your Kids about Jesus. There is NO COST, and you can walk away with the tools needed to help explain who Jesus is, why He matters, and how kids can be radically transformed by Him. 

If you can't attend the study I'm facilitating on Thursday mornings, check out one of the five other Resilient Families studies happening in Henderson, Evansville, and Newburgh on Wednesday evenings. 

Raising children can be a challenging task, and there is no need to do it alone. Join one of the Resilient Families studies and grow in your faith with others who see the importance of sharing Christ with young people. To God be the glory!

You shall love the LORD your God with all your heart and all your soul and with all your might. And these words that I command you today shall be on your heart. You shall teach them diligently to your children, and shall talk of them when you sit in your house, and when you walk by the way, and when you lie down, and when you rise. Deuteronomy 6:5-7