Friday, December 23, 2022

Growing in God's Grace & Knowledge in the New Year & Beyond!

There are over eight billion people on this blue planet, and over 330 million of us call ourselves Americans. We are a diverse and highly individualistic group, and millions of us will once again blissfully announce our New Year's resolutions. These resolutions often pertain to getting a six-pack, eating more greens, and keeping paper in our pockets. Many of these resolutions are quite noble. Regrettably, most of us will fail at keeping our New Year's resolutions. 

What if we took a different approach and set a few SMART goals that pertain to growing in God's grace and knowledge? What simple goals can we set? How can we mature as believers and bring God the glory? Below are three goals I want you to strongly consider.

1. Come Up With A Bible Reading Plan & Get In The Word Every Day. If you don't know where to start, check out one of these Bible Gateway reading plans. Studying God's Word is crucial to knowing Christ and knowing how to live life in a way that honors Him.

2. Memorize Scripture On A Regular Basis. Filling our minds with Bible verses and storing them in our hearts helps us fight sin (Psalm 119:11) and Satan (Matthew 4:1-11), can provide others Christlike counsel and comfort, and better enables us to teach and share the gospel

3. Meet With Believers At Least Once A Week. Despite what our culture teaches, we aren't made to be independent, but interdependent. We are made for relationship with God and others. There are so many ways to grow in God's grace and knowledge - youth/small group, prayer meetings, Bible studies, Sunday School, church services, coffee or meals with others, and more. What are you waiting for?

What are some other ways we can grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ? I would love to hear from you!

But grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. To him be the glory both now and to the day of eternity. Amen. 2 Peter 3:18

Wednesday, November 30, 2022

Celebrating Christ During the Christmas Season

Christmastime is a time that countless people can't get enough of...

  • decorating the Christmas tree and house with a gazillion lights
  • chomping on peppermint bark and other yummy Christmas goodies
  • listening to Christmas classics while the fake fire crackles on the TV screen 
  • watching Elf, Home Alone, A Christmas Story, or some other "Christmas" movie
These are all fun Christmas activities that we might enjoy, but is this what Christmas is about? To help my family remember that Jesus is not only the reason for the season but the reason for life, we celebrate Christ in some unique ways during the Christmas season. Below are some activities you might want to consider during this year's Christmas season!

1. Advent Calendar - We have used a simple Advent calendar to help count down the days to Christmas. When our kiddos were little, they would get super excited to open the window to see a Christmas symbol that we would discuss before saying a prayer.

2. Advent Candles - For many years, we have lit Advent candles on an Advent wreath on the four Sundays preceding Christmas. The fifth candle is a white candle at the center of the wreath known as the Christ candle, and we light it on Christmas Eve. I discuss the symbolism behind the candles and wreath and read Scripture pertaining to Christmas.  

3. Advent Devotional Book - For our family devotions in the evenings, we have watched videos on RightNow Media, talked about the sermons we heard on Sundays, or memorized and discussed Scripture being taught and learned in the classroom.  During December, we typically read Let's Go Straight to Bethlehem by Ray Pritchard. It's a simple read where we retrace the ancient journey to experience the mystery, wonder, and glory of Jesus' birth. 

4. Christmas Eve Service - We have gotten decked out to attend evening services on Christmas Eve. We sing classic Christmas hymns, carefully light candles, hear a Christ-centered sermon, and take family pictures around all the Christmas decor.

5. Jesse Tree - A few years ago, we were gifted with this Jesse Tree. It comes with a devotional book with a reading for the 25 ornaments that are to be hung. Here is a great site that tells you more about the Jesse Tree and how you make this a part of your Christmas traditions. 

What are some ways you celebrate Christ during the Christmas season? I would love to hear from you!

For to us a child is born, to us a son is given; and the government shall be upon his shoulder, and his name shall be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace. Isaiah 9:6

Friday, November 11, 2022

Cultivating a Thankful Heart

Thanksgiving is around the corner, and there is much to be thankful for...

  • My oldest of three is getting married to a godly young man in just two weeks!
  • We're members at a great church where I get to serve in a variety of capacities. 
  • I have a beautiful wife who draws me to Christ and children walking with the Lord.
  • I have a fantastic job that allows me to teach high schoolers what God's Word says. 

My Facebook and Instagram accounts clearly show that God has blessed me big time. What my social media accounts don't show is that life isn't always hunky-dory. Life can definitely be difficult, demanding, and depressing at times. Despite this, we are told to give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you (1 Thessalonians 5:18). How does one do this when family members are clashing, your finances have taken a hit, or the minds and bodies of loved ones are being destroyed by disease? It may not be easy all the time, but here are some simple and essential spiritual practices we can put into place so we complain less and thank God more. To God be the glory!

1. READING God's Word - The Bible is God's words to us and provides us the answers to life. The Bible reminds us that every good and perfect gift is from above (James 1:17) and equips us to be ATMs (automated thanking machines). Reading and studying your Bible will help you be more joyful and grateful for life. 

2. REMEMBERING God's Goodness - My first date with Megan, holding my children for the first time, being offered a job at ECS, God opening my eyes and giving me a new heart, and the list goes on and on. Take time to look back on all that God has done for you! The LORD has done great things for us; we are glad. Psalm 145:17

3. REFLECTING on God's Splendor - Often I'm navel-gazing when I should be setting my mind on things above (Colossians 3:2). As I meditate on my Heavenly Father and Christ who sits at His right hand, my mind is filled with only beauty. I see a holy God who shines the light of His glory - a light that I can actually shine on others.

4. REQUESTING God's Help - We can't do it alone. Life can be overwhelming, and we need to cry out to God. God is there for us, but we need to get on our knees and admit our dependence on Him. Be humble and communicate continuously with the Creator of the universe. When we cry out to God, He sees our hearts and responds with love (Romans 5:8).

5. RESTING in God - I'm a doer who likes to check off boxes. That isn't always bad, but we must learn to quiet ourselves, be still, and acknowledge that God is sovereign and reigns supreme (Job 42:2). I need to slow down and trust that God has complete control of everything. Take a walk with Megan, go fishing with Josiah Lee, have a meal with my daughters - simply enJOY the life God has given us.

What are some ways you cultivate a thankful heart? I would love to hear from you!

Continue steadfastly in prayer, being watchful in it with thanksgiving. Colossians 4:2

Tuesday, October 25, 2022

Why Go to Church?

Although I'd like to think that you would learn a great deal in one of my high school Bible classes, it simply wouldn't be enough. We need to go to church. Seven years ago, Grammy award-winning pop star Justin Bieber said, " don't need to go to church to be a Christian. If you go to Taco Bell, that doesn't make you a taco." This might be a true statement (I praise Jesus that I'm not a taco); however, I don't know any strong Christians who aren't worshipping at a local church on Sundays. In fact, most strong Christians are probably serving at their local church in some capacity. When I've heard people say that they don't need to go to church, they tend to be people who aren't exactly spittin' out Scripture like the Apostle Paul. Over the years, I've heard some really interesting excuses as to why we don't need to go to church. I could share a million reasons why we should want to go to church on Sunday mornings, but I'll just start with four. :-) 

1. God's Word Is Preached - At a Bible-based church, the pastor has spent significant hours in preparation to preach a Spirit-filled sermon that teaches, rebukes, corrects, and trains us how to be Christ-centered people. I have a gifted pastor who clarifies the text for me and helps me better understand who God is. He helps me better understand what is expected of me in building God's kingdom.

2. You Worship With Other Believers - I'm an introvert, but the music sounds so much better when I sing with others! I don't possess mad musical skills, but my heart is often moved during corporate worship. Additionally, I hear Scripture read with reverence, crucial prayers that can only be heard at church, take part in communion with my brothers and sisters, and celebrate the baptisms of new believers.

3. To Become Stronger Christians - When you go to the gym, you get stronger. Sure, you can work out at home, but the gym has more equipment and people to push you. At church, you are surrounded by godly people who listen, ask questions, keep you accountable, provide counsel and encouragement, and maybe even discipline you. Furthermore, gospel-centered churches have libraries with solid resources that support what Scripture says.

4. To Bring God Glory - Worshipping at a church is important because it brings God glory. It brings God joy when he sees like-minded people from all walks of life come together to praise His name. Why wouldn't you want to do that on Sunday morning? What better thing do you have to do on Sunday morning than gather with God's people and worship Jesus Christ? Let's do this. Let's get excited about worshipping together on Sunday mornings and bring God the glory!

Please join the conversation! What are some other reasons why we should want to go to church on Sunday mornings?

not neglecting to meet together, as is the habit of some, but encouraging one another, and all the more as you see the Day drawing near. Hebrews 10:25

Monday, September 5, 2022

Discipling New Believers

A few days ago, a colleague told me they have a heart for new Christians at our school and want to see them nourished and rooted strongly in Christ. I love hearing that. This is how we should be. So what should our response be to those who make a profession of faith? This is what I recommend:

1. Someone should meet and pray with the new believer every week, two weeks, or month. If someone isn’t talking with the student and asking them questions about Jesus and life, the student is less likely to grow in their relationship with Christ and may even prove to be a Demas (2 Timothy 4:10). 

2. We should encourage the student to read their Bible every day (2 Timothy 3:16). They're more likely to do this if they have some kind of reading plan. has numerous plans to choose from here. I recommend starting in Mark (the shortest of the four Gospels) or John (simple, clear, and deep passages).

3. Consider gifting the student with a book that will help them grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. Here are a couple of excellent sites that provide books for new believers that can help them better understand what it means to follow Christ:
4. Get them connected with people at a local Bible-believing, Christ-centered, Spirit-filled church (Hebrews 10:25). Church is where they can participate in communion, watch baptisms, hear sermons and testimonies, sing songs, serve, and more. The student is a member of the body of Christ, and we need them at church in order to bring God greater glory.

So there you have it. We have a tremendous responsibility and honor in discipling others. Let’s make sure we’re doing our part in pointing new Christians in the direction they should go!

I planted, Apollos watered, but God gave the growth. 1 Corinthians 3:6

Tuesday, July 26, 2022

Happy Birthday, Carol!

It has been over 1.5 years since I wrote a blog post here, but I thought today was a most excellent day to write something that others should know about - it's my mother-in-law's birthday! It's hard to believe that I met Carol 25 years ago when I started teaching geography at Frankfort Middle School (FMS), home of the Hot Dogs. Carol taught choir at FMS and Fred, my father-in-law, taught math there. Megan and her sister Mindy graduated from Frankfort High School in the early 90s. Yes, we were all once Hot Dogs. :-)

Carol used to supervise a study hall in my 6th-grade classroom, and I can remember her pointing to the massive world map and telling me how her daughter taught in China. I thought that was interesting, but I never in my wildest dreams thought that only a few years later, I would also be teaching in the Middle Kingdom and that Fred and Carol would visit me as my in-laws. God is AMAZING!

Carol has been a huge blessing to me and our family over the years, and I wish everyone could meet her. Below are just a few ways Carol displays Christ and gives God the glory. If you know Carol, I'm sure you will wholeheartedly agree with me!

1. Carol understands long-suffering. That sentence should be in ALL CAPS. God has chosen Carol to live a life that clearly shows others that she follows the Suffering Servant, Jesus Christ. She is strong in character, wise in her decisions, and patiently persevering despite what her circumstances may be. Carol focuses on the cross and lives a gospel-centered life. 

2. Carol possesses self-control. Sometimes people are mean, foolish, or even worse, both (never me, of course). Regardless of how people might treat Carol, Carol is the definition of calm, cool, and collected. She is one of those people that you wonder when she sins. While I want to smash people like raisins for the most minute things, Carol doesn't get overly emotional and irrational when the going gets tough.  

3. Carol is loyal. This is an understatement. Carol is loyal to her church, husband, family, and friends. She's an extremely hard worker who puts others before herself. We never have to be concerned that Carol won't help her loved ones, despite the situation and even when most wouldn't. She is clearly dedicated to loving God and loving others. 

4. Carol is often joyful. While I have to tell my face to smile on occasion, it's an uncommon sight to not see Carol smiling. She is super positive about life, and it shows. Carol smiles when she meets people, when she is watching something entertaining, and she definitely smiles big when she sings. I need some Carol to rub off on me!

Carol - We are looking forward to seeing you soon and celebrating your birthday! God is good!

For you formed my inwards parts; you knitted me together in my mother's womb. I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Wonderful are your works; my soul knows it very well. Psalm 139:13-14